Dinky Supertoys 562 Dumper Truck

Dumper Truck by Dinky Supertoys, No. 562. Very near mint/boxed, with packing. Early issue. From The Denis Tyler Collection. QDT starting bid £50. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky supertoys 562 dumper truck hh795 front

Price: £50.00

This item is sold.


This Dumper Truck has a bright yellow paint finish, metal wheels and tyres, made between 1948-54.
Complete with fawn driver on his reversible seat and black steering wheel.
Presents well!

Dinky supertoys 562 dumper truck hh795 back

Dinky supertoys 562 dumper truck hh795 base

Minute scrutiny finds a few little retouches.
Bright baseplate.
The early buff box has a bright paper label. Untarnished staples.
With card packing:

Dinky supertoys 562 dumper truck hh795 box side

Dinky supertoys 562 dumper truck hh795 box

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