Dinky 009 Service Station Personnel

Service Station Personnel by Dinky Toys, No. 009. Very, very near mint/boxed. From The Reference Collection. Starting bid £100. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky toys 009 service station personnel gg958 front

Price: £150.00

This item is sold.


Issued between 1962-66. An interesting assortment of plastic figures. Occasional little rub but probably as made.
Each figure is within its own rigid plastic compartment and the box includes the yellow card backdrop which acts as box base. Traces of the original sellotape. No splits to the rigid plastic and the yellow card is complete, bright and clean. Period price in pencil on the back of the box and traces of old tape at this site.

Dinky toys 009 service station personnel gg958 side

Dinky toys 009 service station personnel gg958 back

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