Edil Toys No. 1 Alfa Romeo Giulia

Alfa Romeo Giulia by Edil Toys, No. 1. Very near mint/boxed, with brochure. Rare model from The Catania Collection. Starting bid £250. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Edil toys 1 alfa romeo giulia ff715 front

Price: £400.00

This item is sold.


The highly-regarded Italian company Edil produced a small range of high quality models in production for just 2 years (starting in 1966). 1:43 scale.
This is one of them

This fine Alfa Romeo Giulia model has a fine and glossy vivid red paint finish with a pale grey interior, red steering wheel, with detailed shiny wheels and well-shaped treaded tyres.

Edil toys 1 alfa romeo giulia ff715 back

Edil toys 1 alfa romeo giulia ff715 base

Jewelled headlights and shiny silver trim. Complete bumpers. Matte black base. Opening doors, bonnet and boot.
The distinctive ‘traffic light’ card picture box is bright and fresh with light wear only.
With brochure:

Edil toys 1 alfa romeo giulia ff715 brochure

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