Spot-on No L.172A SHELL Garage Set

SHELL Garage Set by Spot-on Models, No. L.172A. Near mint - very, very near mint/boxed. Scarce set from The Catania Collection. QDT starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Spot on l127a shell garage set ff306 front

Price: £550.00

This item is sold.


A First for QDT!
This Accessory Set presents well with all components safely slotted into the bluc card insert.

1) SHELL Sign – very near mint

2) Lampost – very near mint

3) SHELL Petrol Pump in red and yellow with complete delicate transfers (few little marks to the top ende).

4)As above but a couple of chips and a portion of the SHELL transfer is missing.

5) Shop display of (we assume) oil cans (or similar). Very near mint.

6) Grey Base – very, very near mint

Spot on l127a shell garage set ff306 back

Slim blue outer box has a complete and clean paper label. Light wear and note that one of the very small internal end flaps is no longer present.

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