Dinky Toys 772 British Road Signs
Set of 24 British Road Signs by Dinky Toys 772. Near mint plus/boxed. From The Berlin Collection.
A dazzling array of close to mint road signs. An impressive set which is an amalgamation of Dinky 776, 777, 778 and 779 Road sign sets – this is the only set you will need. Issued between 1959-63.
Occasional small mark if you peer closely and note that one has a couple of dabs of extra red paint. One sign has a little bend.
The box is complete and strongly-coloured. Light storage grubbiness and a little wear. It comes complete with the deeper yellow insert in which all 24 signs sit. Originally, this box was taped closed and remnants the tape may be seen on lid sides and base. Little area of surface loss on the base.
All in all, this set is a delight to own and looks quite amazing on display!
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