Dinky Toys 234 Ferrari Racing Car
Ferrari Racing Car by Dinky Toys, No. 234. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce - to find in deep yellow 2nd issue 234 box, with this version pictured. Very nice! From The Woodford Green Collection.
We cannot recall ever offering for sale this particular box type for this version before!
More often found in the earlier 23H style box or indeed he 234 box with number in black oval. It seems that the ‘rarer’ versions of this model appear in this box style more often.
A beautiful example finished in all original rich deep blue with deep yellow front section and compete racing number 5 on both sides. Matching deep yellow cast wheels and original grey tyres (well-shaped). Pleasing original paint finish is strongly-coloured. Bright baseplate with 234 stamped.
Little rub to the driver’s head and a tiny mark or two besides.
Deeply-coloured fresh and crisp 234 picture box is a delight! Barely any wear and a little neatly pencilled number on a corner of the top surface.
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