Spot-on Models 101 Armstrong Siddeley
Armstrong Siddeley 236 by Spot-on Models, No. 101. Lilac, black roof, BLUE interior, blue steering wheel. Very near mint/boxed, with Collector's Card. From A Phenomenal Collection at QDT. Starting bid £175. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
Issued in 1959, this Armstrong Siddeley model has a distinctive lilac finish, gloss black roof and a blue interior, blue steering wheel, an intact bonnet emblem and fine one-piece wheels and tyres.
In very close to mint condition (few numberplate nicks).
Occasioanl small mark/dot to the paint finish.
The box is complete and bright, although quite ‘darkened’ now . Worn with an end flap tear and a re-attached end flap. Tape repair besides.
Collector’s Card:
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