Matchbox Window Sticker
Matchbox Regular Wheels Window Sticker. Mint, unused, still with backing card firmly attached. Scarce item from the personal collection of a professional TV & Film Set Designer.
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Tri-ang Minic 12M Vauxhall Learner's Car
Vauxhall Learner's Car by Tri-ang Minic, No. 12M. Very near mint/unboxed. Working clockwork motor. Scarce model from The Cologne Collection. Starting bid £100. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Britains 1512 Army Ambulance
Army Ambulance by Britains Models No. 1512. With patient & stretcher. 1948-56 version. Very near mint/boxed, with Quality Control Slip. Scarce! From The Cologne Collection.

Britains Model Home Farm No. 59F Four-Wheeled Lorry, with Driver
Four-Wheeled Lorry by Britains Model Home Farm, No. 59F. Very near mint/boxed. With Driver. Another scarce model from The Cologne Collection.