
Dinky 582 Pullmore Car Transporter. Excellent plus/boxed. Rare *SIX RIVET* issue made for a short time only during 1953!


Price: £350.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


The first we have handled in a long while! This Pullmore Car Transporter was made for such a short time with six rivets (usual version has four) during 1953. This example is in all original condition with a light blue cab and chassis, mid-blue wheels, dark fawn decks. Black radiator and bumper. Complete ?Dinky Toys Delivery Service? on one side and at the rear, tiny rub to one letter on the other side. Usual little marks where metal meets metal, few little raised point marks at the top deck and a chip at the rear corner edges. Few little dots/marks besides. Presents well with a pleasing lustre.





Correct early 582 box is complete with no splits but the lid looks rather ‘scrubbed’ now. Few grubby marks. No graffiti.


A difficult find!