French Dinky 1406 Renault 4L Sinpar 'Michel Tanguy'. Mint/boxed. Scarce. From the t.v. series 'Les Chevaliers Du Ciel'.

Price: £225.00
This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.
Issued between 1968-71, this t.v. inspired Dinky model is in unused condition complete with both figures. The Renault Sinpar model finished in khaki with blue and red original detailing too. Complete with the aerial and gear stick. Painted metal concave wheels, folding tin windscreen. Both plastic running figures are glued to the base of the colourful plinth. Minor wear to the plinth where the figures have been glued in place. Both end tabs to the plinth are present and this set presents nicely with the colourful backdrop.
The decorative pictorial card outer box is clean and bright with all end flaps present (couple of the most minor tears). Small area of surface removal at an end flap where a price label has been removed. Shopkeeper’s written price at this area too.
Delightful French Dinky toy feauring The Knights of the Sky’ (Les Chevalier du Ciel)! The first we have offered for sale in years!