French Dinky Toys 552 Chevrolet Corvair

Chevrolet Corvair by French Dinky Toys, No.552. Very near mint/boxed. Red version. From Boris's Collection.

French dinky toys 552 chevrolet corvair jj61 front

Price: £165.00


This bright red Chevrolet has a detailed cream interior and shining concave wheels with suspension. Clean tyres with fine tread. Bright baseplate. This colour version is a little harder to find than the turquoise.

French dinky toys 552 chevrolet corvair jj61 back

French dinky toys 552 chevrolet corvair jj61 base

Couple of stray dot sof factory silver near the passenger headlight on one side and a few stray dots on the inside of the windscreen.
The picture box is fine, bright and complete. Tiny tear and lightest wear.

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