Dinky Toys 157 Jaguar XK120 Coupe

Jaguar XK120 Coupe by Dinky Toys, No. 157. Very, very near mint/boxed.With original clear perspex packing strip! From The Off-shore Collection.

Dinky toys 157 jaguar xk120 coupe jj58 front

Price: £225.00

This item is sold.


A sought-after Jaguar XK120 model with a sleek grey-green finish, shiny shaped spun hubs, bright base (light marking), as-new treaded tyres.

Dinky toys 157 jaguar xk120 coupe jj58 back

Dinky toys 157 jaguar xk120 coupe jj58 base

In virtually mint condition.
Bright and complete correct late box is crisp. Note the careful addition of clear tape on the inside seam of a large end flap to strengthen. Nioe to see the clear perspex packing strip is still present. So often missing!

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