Marklin 8023 Magirus Turntable Fire Engine

Magirus Turntable Fire Engine by Marklin models, No. 8023. Very, very near mint/boxed. Old shop stock quality from The Off-shore Collection.

Marklin 8023 magirus turntable fire engine jj54 front

Price: £150.00


Looking day-one fresh and bright, this Magirus Turntable Fire Engine is an outstanding example with unfaded colours and a fine sheen.
Virtually mint!

Marklin 8023 magirus turntable fire engine jj54 back

Marklin 8023 magirus turntable fire engine jj54 base

This is a fine and unused example with shiny shaped spun wheels, bright ladder and a silver trim. Original tyres are as-new.
Clean, bright and colourful crisp box continues the shop stock theme.

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