Britains Model 'Farm' Series 128F Fordson Major Tractor
Fordson Major Tractor by Britains Model Farm Series, No. 128F. Very near mint/boxed, with driver. Scarce. Rarely found in the 'Duck & Egg' Box! From The Denis Tyler Collection. QDT starting bid £200. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
A desirable item from the Britains Farm range of models. This dark blue Fordson Major tractor has vivid brownish-orange wheels with intact, fine rubber tyres with ‘BRITAINS’ embossed, both chimney stacks, and driver. Presents very nicely with a fine glossy finish throughout. Very nearly complete ‘FORDSON’ lettering at the sides and head-on.
Very near mint state.
Not often found in this distinctive country scene box with ‘Duck & Eggs’ pictured on the other side. FORDSON MAJOR TRACTOR , NO> 128F stamped along with a model image. Couple of part-punctures on a non-picture side.
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