Dinky Toys 36D Rover

Rover by Dinky Toys, No. 36D. Very near mint/never boxed individually. From The Denis Tyler Collection. Starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky toys 36d rover jj45 front

Auction in Progress

Highest Bid of £150.00

Expires in about 3 hours

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A pleasing example of this classic model! Lustrous mid-green body with black wings, black ridged wheels and closed detailed chassis. Intact and complete radiator (with quite a lot of original chrome still remaining), headlight and bumper assembly.
Issued between 1947-50.

Dinky toys 36d rover jj45 back

Dinky toys 36d rover jj45 base

In all original, very close to mint condition with a wonderfully lustrous finish. Hard to find this good!
At the time, this model would have been supplied to the shops in trade boxes of six.

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