French Dinky Toys 24H Mercedes 190SL

Mercedes 190SL by French Dinky Toys, No. 24H. Very near mint/boxed. Nice box. From Boris's Collection.

French dinky toys 24h mercedes 190 sl hh985 front

Price: £135.00


This is a handsome French Dinky model – an early issue (1958-59), with a cream finish, black roof and silver trim. Shiny spun convex wheels.
Looks barely handled – in very close to mint condition.

French dinky toys 24h mercedes 190 sl hh985 back

French dinky toys 24h mercedes 190 sl hh985 base

Untarnished base with 24H stamped. Well-shaped original tyres.
Minute examination finds a couple of dot retouches.
The crisp picture box is complete, with plenty of end flap spring. Hardly any wear at all!
A favourite French Dinky model of ours!

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