Trade Box 6 x Dinky 29C Double Deck Buses
Double Deck Buses x 6, Dinky Toys, No. 29C in original Dinky Trade Box with dividers.Very near mint - very, very near mint. With original card dividers. From The Denis Tyler Collection. Starting bid £300. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
A wonderful selection of 6 x Dinky Toys 29C Buses as follows:
First Types:
2 x green & cream versions:
a) With green cast wheels. Very near mint, original condition.
b) With black cast wheels. Very near mint (minor retouches).
1 x red & cream version 1st Type with black wheels. Very near mint (couple of mere dot retouches).
Third Types:
2 x red and cream versions, with red cast wheels. Very near mint – very, very near mint.
1 x green & cream version, with black cast wheels. Very near mint.
Sturdy buff Dinky Trade Box presents well, showing light wear. Note the old strips of tape at the box lower corners. Bright and complete deep yellow informative label ar a lid end. Original card dividers. Faintly pencilled period shopkeeper’s price per model (3/-).
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