Corgi Colour Trial/early version Land Rover

Corgi Colour Trial/Early Version Land Rover. Bright Blue with RED interior. Near mint plus/unboxed. Very scarce model from The Gower Collection. Starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi landrover deepblue hh873 front

Price: £175.00

This item is sold.


This ‘Series 2’ colour trial or early version of the Landrover model is finished in vivid mid-blue and has a red roof light with orange canopy. Note the *red interior which is an especially rare find for this model.
‘Rostyle’ whizzwheels, black tow hook.

Corgi landrover deepblue hh873 back

Corgi landrover deepblue hh873 base

Light marking to the paint finish.

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