Corgi Toys 205 Riley Pathfinder Saloon

Corgi 205 Riley Pathfinder Saloon. Very near mint/boxed. DEEPER red version, flat spun wheels. Very nice box! From The QDT Vault.

Corgi toys 205 riley pathfinder saloon s717 front

Price: £225.00


Issued between 1956-62 in either red or blue finish – this particular example is a shining vivid deep red colour, with flat spun hubs and window glazing. A really lovely classic car.

Corgi toys 205 riley pathfinder saloon s717 back

Corgi toys 205 riley pathfinder saloon s717 base

Couple of small dot retouches. Little baseplate rub.
Please take a look at this model in the foreground when compared with the scarlet red version also for sale at time of writing:

Corgi toys 205 riley pathfinder saloon s717 compare

The early blue picture box is as nice as you can find; crisp, with excellent vivid colours and barely any handling wear at all. Period shopkeeper’s price written on an end flap.

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