Corgi Toys 330 Porsche Carrera
Porsche Carrera by Corgi Toys, No. 330. Very, very near mint/boxed. Sought-after version from The Bluehouse Collection.
This Porsche Carrera 6 is finished in white with a striking deep, midnight blue bonnet and doors (usual version has red doors). Detailed cast silver spoked wheels, driver, racing number 60, and an amber engine cover. Virtually complete – complete racing numbers. Carrera Logo and lettering at the rear is complete.
Virtually mint.
The box is complete, crisp, fresh and bright. Lightest wear includes a crease.
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Corgi Toys 375 Toyota 2000 G.T
Toyota 2000 G.T. by Corgi Toys, No. 375. Scarce PURPLE issue. Very, very near mint/boxed. From The Bluehouse Collection.

Corgi Toys 393 Mercedes Benz 350SL
Mercedes Benz 350SL by Corgi Toys, No. 393. In PEACOCK BLUE, a more unusual find with NO SILVER SIDE DETAIL & ROSTYLE WHIZZWHEELS. Very, very near mint/boxed. From The Gower Collection. Starting bid £125. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi Toys 204 Morris Mini Minor
Morris Mini Minor by Corgi Toys, No. 204. Orange with RED interior. Rare issue. Very near mint/boxed. As found in Corgi Gift Set 20 Transporter Set. From The Gower Collection. Starting bid £250. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.