Dinky Toys 410 Bedford End Tipper
Bedford End Tipper by Dinky Toys, No. 410. Very, very near mint/unboxed. Rarest version in yellow and DEEP BLUE. From The Denis Tyler Collection. Starting bid £500. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
This collection represents a lifelong deep appreciation of Dinky Toys, Britains models, Minic models and more primarily from the 1940’s & 50’s. All British made diecast and tinplate models. Proceeds going to charities close to his heart.
Usually found in yellow and mid blue, this is a startling find with this rich deep blue back – and a First for QDT!
Carefully wrapped and stored, this model was unveiled like a rare jewel of a Dinky!
No glazing on this early 410 issue. This example is in exceptional condition – with bright yellow matching cast wheels and smooth black tyres. Such a fine gloss finish throughout! Virtually mint.
Another premium item from this fine Dinky collection we are handling.
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Spot-on Picture Cards
6 x Spot-on Picture Cards & Collector's Club Slip. From The Derby Collection. Starting bid £50. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi Toys 393 Mercedes Benz 350SL
Mercedes Benz 350SL by Corgi Toys, No. 393. In PEACOCK BLUE, a more unusual find with NO SILVER SIDE DETAIL & ROSTYLE WHIZZWHEELS. Very, very near mint/boxed. From The Gower Collection. Starting bid £125. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi Toys 204 Morris Mini Minor
Morris Mini Minor by Corgi Toys, No. 204. Orange with RED interior. Rare issue. Very near mint/boxed. As found in Corgi Gift Set 20 Transporter Set. From The Gower Collection. Starting bid £250. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.