French Dinky Toys 24N Citroen 11BL

Citroen 11BL by French Dinky Toys, No. 24N. Black, cream ridged wheels. Scarce. Very near mint/not individually boxed. From The Hollies Collection.

French dinky toys 24n citroen 11bl hh326 front

Price: £165.00


Sold from a shopkeeper’s trade box of 6, this is a difficult Citroen model to source. Finished in black with cream cast wheels. Note that this version has a boot, cross-hatching inside the roof, indicators, large baseplate print (surface wear) and a cast front bumper. Original smooth black tyres are well-shaped (occasional small part-split).
Presents well with a pleasing sheen.

French dinky toys 24n citroen 11bl hh326 back

French dinky toys 24n citroen 11bl hh326 base

Tiniest marking only.

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