Dinky Toys 412 Austin Wagon

Austin Wagon by Dinky Toys, No. 412. *Rare powder blue issue* with lemon wheels. Very, very near mint/boxed. Exceptional! From a small private collection. Starting bid £400. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky toys 412 austin wagon hh262 front

Price: £425.00

This item is sold.


Issued between 1954-60 in four different colour finishes, this powder blue version with lemon wheels, is in outstanding original condition – and so rare! A striking and eye-catching truck on display:

Dinky toys 412 austin wagon hh262 back

Dinky toys 412 austin wagon hh262 base

Such a lustrous sheen to the paint finish too. Complete and intact original radiator and headlight assembly with original detailing, contrasts nicely with the powder blue finish. Bright baseplate. Treaded original tyres look as-new! Obviously a cherished piece that has barely been handled.
Virtually mint.
The pictorial box is complete, bright and clean with a crisp feel. Blue colour spot at the end flaps too. Light wear only.

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