Tri-ang Minic 12M Vauxhall Tourer

Vauxhall Tourer by Tri-ang Minic Models, No. 12M. Learner's Car. Deep green issue. Very near mint/boxed. From The Denis Tyler Collection. QDT starting bid £200. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Tri ang minic 17m vauxhall tourer gg942

Price: £525.00

This item is sold.


A very pleasing Vauxhall Tourer, Learner’s Car finished in an rich deep green and black with wooden seating and tinplate steering wheel. Intact radiator and headlights (very minor dulling/tarnishing). Intact windscreen (correct with no glazing). Working motor. Post-war, so L plates are transfers now (complete). With complete rear number-plate transfer. Shiny metal wheels at the rear, with smooth tyres, note the front section has one-piece metal wheels & tyres.

Tri ang minic 17m vauxhall tourer gg942 back

Tri ang minic 17m vauxhall tourer gg942 base

Very near mint state.
Colourful and complete card box has very light wear.

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