Tri-ang Minic Models 19M Vauxhall Cabriolet

Vauxhall Cabriolet by Minic Models, No.19M. Bright red issue. Very near mint/boxed. From The Denis Tyler Collection. Starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Tri ang minic 19m vauxhall cabriolet gg691 front

Price: £175.00

This item is sold.


A beautiful Vauxhall Cabriolet finished in vivid red and black with dark wooden seating and tinplate steering wheel. Shiny, intact radiator, headlight and bumper assembly (minor tarnished spots on the bumper). Intact windscreen (correct with no glazing). Working motor. Shiny plated wheels and well-shaped smooth black tyres. Lovely and complete delicate registration number transfer at the rear.

Tri ang minic 19m vauxhall cabriolet gg691 back

Tri ang minic 19m vauxhall cabriolet gg691 base

Approx. 12.5 cms. in length.

Note the (later) flick of well-matched paint on the roof front.
The illustrated card box has light including some ‘foxing’ on a non-picture side.

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