Corgi Toys Gift Set 9 Mumbles Lifeboat
Mumbles Lifeboat Set by Corgi Toys, No. 9. Scarce issue. Assumed mint/boxed. Old shop stock quality! From The Wesley Lodge Collection.
Sold for a short time in Swansea (home of Corgi!) to support the Mumbles (district of Swansea) Lifeboat Appeal. It comprises:
Land Rover in white with “RESCUE MUMBLES” at the sides, and RNLI label on bonnet.
Dinghy on Trailer. R.N.L.I D.199 labels, banded to trailer.
Both items look unused. Both items are still affixed to the close to pristine blue card insert. A Limited Edition Gift Set sold in Debenhams during the appeal – 50 pence was donated to the appeal for every set sold. See label on the box.
The *large window box is clean and bright, looking like old shop stock.
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