Matchbox SuperKings K-71 Porsche Police Set 'POLIZEI'

Porsche Police Set 'POLIZEI' by Matchbox Superkings, K-71. Assumed mint/boxed, with transfer slip. From The Heart of England Collection. Starting bid £75. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Matchbox superkings k71 porsche police polizei gg239 front

Price: £75.00

This item is sold.


Looking virtually shop-fresh this Matchbox Superkings Porsche ‘POLIZEI’ Set is sure to impress.

Matchbox superkings k71 porsche police polizei gg239 back

Matchbox superkings k71 porsche police polizei gg239 base

Deepest green and white finish on the Porsche model with blue roof light and POLIZEI lettering throughout. Shiny chrome wheels. With two Police Motorcyles with figures and complete “POLIZEI” labels.
Looking pristine, the blue card has a small formed cut-away section where one can just see the sheet of unused transfers through the intact cellophane window.
Vibrantly coloured card on this window box and note that the header card is unpunched and is happily free of the expected crease at header card reverse. The items do not appear to have ever been removed from the box. A couple of tiny factory marks may be seen.
It may be necessary for the box to be carefully opened in order to ensure safe transit to the new owner.

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