French Dinky Toys 24N Citroen 11BL

Citroen 11BL by French Dinky Toys, No. 24N. Issued 1958. Grey, grey ridged wheels. Scarce. Very near mint/not individually boxed. From The Cologne Collection.

French dinky toys 24n citroen 11bl gg124 front

Price: £195.00

This item is sold.


Sold from a shopkeeper’s trade box of 6, this is a difficult Citroen model to source. Finished in mid-grey with matching cast wheels and original smooth white tyres. Note that this version has a boot, cross-hatching inside the roof, indicators, large baseplate print and a cast front bumper. Arched base to windscreen.
Presents well with an attractive sheen to the all original paint finish.
Very close to mint!

French dinky toys 24n citroen 11bl gg124 back

French dinky toys 24n citroen 11bl gg124 base

Original tyres are smooth and well-shaped.

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