Dinky Supertoys 661 Recovery Tractor

Recovery Tractor by Dinky Toys, No 661. Very near mint/boxed. Early issue without window glazing. With 2 card packing pieces & Dinky Quality Control Tag. From The Ground Crew Collection.

Dinky supertoys 661 recovery tractor gg10 front

Price: £150.00

This item is sold.


This early issue Dinky military model has a seated military figure, military green paint finish and a shiny metal winding handle. Winching mechanism works. Tyres (including spare) are the originals and are in fine condition. Bright baseplate. A classic Dinky military piece:

Dinky supertoys 661 recovery tractor gg10 back

Dinky supertoys 661 recovery tractor gg10 base

Very close to mint condition with just a couple of very small marks.
The striped Supertoys box (with italicised print) is bright & complete. Light wear. With 2 card packing pieces. Dinky Quality Control Tag too.

Dinky supertoys 661 recovery tractor gg10 box

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