Dinky Toys 504 Foden 14-Ton Tanker

Foden 14-Ton Tanker by Dinky Toys, No. 504. *Bright red version with a fawn tanker. Second type*. Very near mint/boxed. From The Reference Collection of fine Dinky.

Dinky toys 504 foden 14 ton tanker ff911 front

Price: £395.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


This fine and scarce 2nd type Foden Tanker has a scarlet red and fawn finish. 2nd type in all original, very close to mint condition.

Dinky toys 504 foden 14 ton tanker ff911 back

Dinky toys 504 foden 14 ton tanker ff911 base

Black radial tyres are well shaped. Matching red grooved Supertoy wheels. Fine black ladders. 20 mph label in place.
Well-shaped tinplate tank.
The blue box with a paper label is complete and bright with a one piece orange and white paper label. Light staining and a little age/handling wear. Inside the box, you will see some rust spotting.

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