Dinky Toys 701 Shetland Flying Boat
Shetland Flying Boat by Dinky Toys, No 701. Very near mint/boxed. With card insert. A scarce model that has been stored away for some 50 years!
The first Supertoys aircraft in impressive, original condition, issued between 1947-49. This substantial aeroplane has a gleaming bright silver finish, with both delicate floats intact. Note that it lacks one of the propellor blades. An unused item and a difficult find:
A few little marks/rubs may be seen under especially critical scrutiny.
Complete card box has a bright paper label. Small penned original price. Smaller label at a lid side with period price and Dinky Quality Control stamp. Light age/storage grubbiness and a careful seam repair. Shiny staples.
The box comes complete with its packing insert into which the model is placed.
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