The Great Book of Dinky Toys' by Mike & Sue Richardson

Hardback Book 'The Great Book Of Dinky Toys' by Mike & Sue Richardson. Very, very near mint. From The Woodside Collection. Starting bid £75. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Great book dinky toys ff567 front

Price: £130.00

This item is sold.


The indispensable reference book for Dinky collectors and enthusiasts!
A large hardback volume with 292 pages, 370 illustrations and 118 drawings with comprehensive easy to use tables, lists and fascinating notes.
We use this book ourselves on a daily basis to check dates of production, colour variations etc. It is a mine of information – the only British Dinky reference book you will need!
Back cover:

Great book dinky toys ff567 back

With dust jacket.

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