Corgi Rockets 902 Jaguar XJ6
Jaguar XJ6 by Corgi Rockets, No. 902. High sheen metallic green. Mint/boxed. Superb example from The Off-shore Collection. Old shop stock. Starting bid £100. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
Corgi Rockets models are always sought-after by collectors.
This model is part an old shop stock find – carefully stored away in the late 1970’s until now.
This Jaguar XJ6 Car is in mint condition still held beneath the clear blister, along with the Golden Tune-Up Key.
Formed apertures at the top of the very close to pristine card are all fine with no tears. Colours are vibrant. Couple of very light storage creases.
Clear blister is supple, clear and intact.
Issued 1970-72.
As fine an example as you will ever see.
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