Dinky Toys 234 Ferrari Racing Car
Ferrari Racing Car by Dinky Toys, No. 234. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce 'shark nose' version with BLUE PLASTIC wheels. From The Ground Crew Collection.
This is the later ‘shark nose’ version (yellow triangle at the front) which was issued for just one year only in 1962. In gleaming virtually mint condition – and rare with blue plastic wheels!
Shiny baseplate and well-shaped grey treaded tyres (excellent colour with no discolouration or fading).
Fine sheen throughout.
An impressive display piece!
The correct late issue paler yellow picture box is complete, crisp and bright. Light mottling in places. Small internal end flap tear.
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Dinky Toys Gift Set 299 Post Office Services
Post Office Services by Dinky Toys, Gift Set No. 299 . Very near mint/boxed with inner. Scarce. Dinky stamp dates this example from August 1966. From The Derby Collection. Starting bid £200.

Dinky Toys 980 Horse Van
Horse Van by Dinky Toys, No. 980. Very near mint/boxed. With MAROON wheels. Scarce U.S. issue. From Boris's Collection.

Dinky Toys 182 Porsche 356A Coupe
Porsche 356A Coupe by Dinky Toys, No. 182. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce late issue in pale blue with shaped spun wheels. Nice box! From The Berlin Collection.