French Dinky 25JV Ford Covered Wagon 'Grands Moulins De Paris'

Ford Covered Wagon 'Grands Moulins De Paris' by French Dinky Toys, No. 25JV. Excellent plus/not individually boxed. From The Catania Collection.

French dinky toys 25jv grands moulins de paris ff437 front

Price: £245.00

This item is sold.


This is a scarce early commercial truck from the French Dinky factory (issued during 1953). It is attractively finished in pale grey with a black tinplate tilt, red ridged metal wheels. Well-shaped, original smooth tyres with ‘M’ stamped.
Complete delicate lettering on both sides (one side has a few edge nibbles to the cream background).

French dinky toys 25jv grands moulins de paris ff437 back

French dinky toys 25jv grands moulins de paris ff437 base

Shiny base. Spare stowed. Marking to the paint finish at some exposed edges.

Little rub to the front edge of the canopy and a couple of tiny surface marks to one of the transfers. Couple of small, light surface scratches on the black canopy.
Such a charming advertising truck!

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