Dinky Toys 253 Daimler Ambulance

Daimler Ambulance by Dinky Toys, No. 253. Very, very near mint/boxed. Early deep cream issue without window glazing. From The Reference Collection.

Dinky toys 253 daimler ambulance ff280 front

Price: £125.00

This item is sold.


First issue of this Daimler ambulance in fine and glossy cream, with red ridged wheels and cast Red Cross emblems on both sides. Shiny base and well-shaped original tyres.
Early issue, correct without window glazing.

Dinky toys 253 daimler ambulance ff280 back

Dinky toys 253 daimler ambulance ff280 base

We expect the extra dab of crema paint one side is a factory touch-in. Obviously rarely handled.
The pictorial complete and bright if showing a little grubbiness now.
A classic Dinky model made between 1954-58.

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