Dinky Supertoys 661 Recovery Tractor

Recovery Tractor by Dinky Toys, No 661. Very near mint/boxed. Later issue with window glazing, plastic wheels & plastic winding handle cuff. From The Reference Collection.

Dinky toys 661 recovery tractor ff177 front

Price: £200.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


This later issue Dinky military model has a seated military figure, military green paint finish, plastic wheels and a metal winding handle harm, plastic winding handle cuff. Winching mechanism works. Tyres (including spare) are the originals and are in fine condition. Bright baseplate. A classic Dinky military piece:

Dinky toys 661 recovery tractor ff177 back

Dinky toys 661 recovery tractor ff177 base

Very close to mint condition with the occasional little exposed edge mark.
The striped Supertoys box (with italicised print) is bright, clean & complete, showing light wear.

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