Corgi Gift Set 2 Unimog & Goose Dumper Priestman Cub Shovel

Unimog 406 & Goose Dumper Priestman Cub Shovel by Corgi Toys, Gift Set No. 2. Very, very near mint/boxed. With Leaflet. Outstanding quality from The Coastline Collection. Starting bid £200. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi toys gift set 2 ee689 front

Price: £700.00

This item is sold.


An unusual Gift Set and in this old shop stock condiiton – not to be missed!.
This set comprises:

1) 1128 Priestman Cub Shovel. A Corgi Major Toy construction model in virtually mint condition with a wonderful lustre. Occasional negligible probably as-made dot to the paint finish. Tracks are split-free and move easily. Transfers at the side and at the rear are complete.

Corgi toys gift set 2 unimog 406 goose dumper priestman cub shovel ee689 contents

2 Mercedes-Benz Unimog & Goose Dumper. A bright and fresh Corgi Major model in virtually mint condition. Complete with both wing mirrors and reflective pieces and jewelled headlights.

Intact fresh, clean and bright polystyrene inner.
Blue and yellow outer box is a very fresh and bright example with intact original cellophane. Crisp, looking fresh and barely handled. Period price label at an end flap.

Corgi toys gift set 2 unimog 406 goose dumper priestman cub shovel ee689 box

Corgi toys gift set 2 unimog 406 goose dumper priestman cub shovel ee689 front

Comes with the original leaflet.
Not an easy set to find!

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