Dinky Toys 945 AEC Fuel Tanker 'Lucas Oil'

AEC Fuel Tanker 'Lucas Oil' by Dinky Toys, No. 945. Promotional model. Very near mint/boxed. From The Reference Collection. Starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky toys 945 aec fuel tanker esso ee649 front

Price: £250.00

This item is sold.


Issued during 1977, this promotional ‘Lucas Oil’ articulated tanker is in in very close to perfect condition with all six grey filler caps complete and intact. Black cab interior and cast wheels. Both grey hoses in place at the sides.

Dinky toys 945 aec fuel tanker esso ee649 back

Dinky toys 945 aec fuel tanker esso ee649 base

‘Lucas Oil’ labels are complete and bright – light wear. A few tiny marks to the paint finish.
The box comprises the standard card plinth base as well as the never folded (as issued from factory) correct green and white promotional box base. Virtually pristine.

Bubble lid is clear, complete and notably intact.

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