Dinky Toys 200 Matra 630
Matra 630 by Dinky Toys, No. 200. With Speedwheels. Very near mint/boxed. From The Sherwood Collection.
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Dinky Toys Gift Set 299 Post Office Services
Post Office Services by Dinky Toys, Gift Set No. 299 . Very near mint/boxed with inner. Scarce. Dinky stamp dates this example from August 1966. From The Derby Collection. Starting bid £200.

Dinky Toys 980 Horse Van
Horse Van by Dinky Toys, No. 980. Very near mint/boxed. With MAROON wheels. Scarce U.S. issue. From Boris's Collection.

Dinky Toys 182 Porsche 356A Coupe
Porsche 356A Coupe by Dinky Toys, No. 182. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce late issue in pale blue with shaped spun wheels. Nice box! From The Berlin Collection.