Dinky Toys 104 Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle
Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle by Dinky Toys, No. 104. Very, very near mint/boxed. 2nd issue with white plastic cover on the door release mechanism on the roof. Bubble pack with both rockets. With GREEN PRINT Instruction Leaflet. From The Woodside Collection. QDT starting bid £250. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
This Gerry Anderson model inspired by the t.v. series ‘Captain Scarlet & The Mysterons’ is in beautiful, all original condition, carefully handled and stored.
This version has a fine metallic blue finish, complete with original figure of Captain Scarlet and 2 firing front rockets. Complete, bright paper labels throughout. Nice example with perfect black rubber tracks and aerials. Looks unused.
2nd issue with white plastic cover on the door release mechanism on the roof.
Later issue box has a clean, bright and colourful card plinth with an intact clear bubble lid. Very fresh and clean. Hard to find this good.
Intriguingly, the original Leaflet has green print:
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Dinky Toys 353 SHADO 2 Mobile
SHADO 2 Mobile by Dinky Toys, No. 353. GREEN PANELLED ROOF & ORANGE ROOF INTERIOR. WHITE interior, brown rollers. Red & white missiles. Scarce issue. Very near mint/boxed. 1st issue in pictorial card box. From a most knowledgeable & enthusiastic collector in South London.

Dinky Toys 353 SHADO 2 Mobile
SHADO 2 Mobile by Dinky Toys, No. 353. GREEN PANELLED ROOF & ORANGE ROOF INTERIOR. YELLOW interior, brown rollers. Orange-tipped missiles. Scarce issue. Very near mint/boxed. In bubble pack. From a most knowledgeable & enthusiastic collector in South London.

Dinky Toys 109 Gabriel Model T Ford
Gabriel Model T Ford by Dinky Toys, No.109. Very near mint/boxed, with card packing piece. Gerry Anderson model. From a most knowledgeable & enthusiastic collector in South London.