Corgi Toys 205 Riley Pathfinder
Riley Pathfinder Saloon by Corgi Toys, No. 205. Scarlet red issue. Very near mint/boxed. In blue & yellow picture box. From The Berlin Collection.
This Riley Pathfinder model has a bright scarlet red finish and shining early flat spun wheels, clear window glazing. A really lovely classic car – with just one little chip on the bonnet.
Shiny base has a few tarnished flecks. Bright wheels. As-new tyres.
The blue and yellow picture box is bright, clean, fresh and complete. Crisp. Light wear.
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James Bond's Aston Martin by Corgi Toys, No.271. Scarce 1983 issue with 12 SPOKE WHEELS and red interior. Very, very near mint/boxed. With deep window box & CARD UPSTAND - correct with no cut-outs for a header card. Dated 1983.

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