Dinky Toys 251 USA Pontiac Parisienne Police Car

USA Pontiac Parisienne Police Car by Dinky Toys, No. 251. Very near mint/boxed, with both chromed aerials. From The Coastline Collection.

Dinky toys 251 usa police car dd808 front

Price: £165.00

This item is sold.


Issued between 1971-72, this Pontiac Parisienne model Police Car is finished in crisp white with a black textured roof and complete fresh original POLICE labels throughout, siren and roof light. Notably complete with both chromed aerials.
They can be extended and retracted by using the switches on the base, but we are reluctant to do so, since they can often break during this operation. Number plates front and rear. Bright chrome wing mirrors.

Dinky toys 251 usa police car dd808 back

Dinky toys 251 usa police car dd808 base

A few little raised bodyline rubs.
The pictorial box is complete and bright with a crisp feel. Part-puncture caused by the roof light/siren and a storage crumple.

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