Dinky Toys 370 Dragster Set

Dragster Set by Dinky Toys, No. 370. Very, very near mint/boxed. Early card box issue, with pictorial card plinth, foam packing & Leaflet. From The Swiss-French Collection. Starting bid £75. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky toys 370 dragster set dd613 front

Price: £225.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


Finished in vibrant red and yellow with red and white striped bonnet label, ‘Fireball’ label and shiny chrome. Detailed spoked wheels. With pale blue starter unit.

Dinky toys 370 dragster set dd613 box

Dinky toys 370 dragster set dd613 base

In virtually mint condition.
Colourful card plinth is clean, bright and crisp. Couple of tiny tears.
The colourfully illustrated card box is really fresh, clean and bright. Minimal wear only. Foam packing & Leaflet.

Dinky toys 370 dragster set dd613 leaflet

Dinky toys 370 dragster set dd613 foam

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