Mercury Models 7 Fiat 1500 Spyder

Fiat 1500 Spyder by Mercury Models, No. 7. Blue with a white interior. Scarce . Very near mint/boxed. Nice box. From The Swiss-French Collection.

Mercury models 7 fiat 1500 spyder dd583 front

Price: £165.00


This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


Rich cerulean blue finish with a white interior, black soft top detail on this delightful Fiat 1500. Shiny wheels and black original tyres with a light tread. Intact screen. Silver trim.

Mercury models 7 fiat 1500 spyder dd583 back

Mercury models 7 fiat 1500 spyder dd583 base

Tiny mark to the paint finish and note the rear bumper is slightly askew (as fitted).
Colourfully illustrated card box is vibrant, crisp and complete. Very nice!

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