Corgi Toys Gift Set 26 Beach Buggy and Sailing Boat

Beach Buggy and Sailing Boat by Corgi Toys, Gift Set No.26. Assumed mint/boxed (never opened). Late issue, with red towing attachment & correct without driver. Old shop stock from The Wesley Lodge Collection. Starting bid £125. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corg toys gift set 26 beach buggy sailing boat dd441 front

Price: £125.00

This item is sold.


In superb, unused condition (never removed from box), issued between 1971-76. This Gift Set comprises Corgi 381 Beach Buggy in an unmistakeable, bright metallic purple finish, red interior, gold steering wheel. Bright paper label on the bonnet.
It is towing a yellow trailer with a red and white sailing boat. Blue sail. Intact aerial. Bright ‘Seaspray’ label.

Corg toys gift set 26 beach buggy sailing boat dd441 back

Corg toys gift set 26 beach buggy sailing boat dd441 box

Version with red towing attachment and no driver (correct) – so 2nd issue – 1st issue has a black towing attachment and a driver.
The slim window box is complete and bright with intact original cellophane. Box does not appear to have ever been opened and is in shop-fresh condition – although please note that it may be necessary to carefully prise open one set of end flaps to secure for safe posting.

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