Corgi Toys Gift Set 26 Beach Buggy and Sailing Boat
Beach Buggy and Sailing Boat by Corgi Toys, Gift Set No.26. Assumed mint/boxed (never opened). Late issue, with red towing attachment & correct without driver. Old shop stock from The Wesley Lodge Collection. Starting bid £125. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
In superb, unused condition (never removed from box), issued between 1971-76. This Gift Set comprises Corgi 381 Beach Buggy in an unmistakeable, bright metallic purple finish, red interior, gold steering wheel. Bright paper label on the bonnet.
It is towing a yellow trailer with a red and white sailing boat. Blue sail. Intact aerial. Bright ‘Seaspray’ label.
Version with red towing attachment and no driver (correct) – so 2nd issue – 1st issue has a black towing attachment and a driver.
The slim window box is complete and bright with intact original cellophane. Box does not appear to have ever been opened and is in shop-fresh condition – although please note that it may be necessary to carefully prise open one set of end flaps to secure for safe posting.
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Corgi Toys 393 Mercedes Benz 350SL
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Corgi Toys 204 Morris Mini Minor
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