Dinky Toys 955 Commer Fire Engine

Commer Fire Engine by Dinky Toys, No. 955. Near mint plus/boxed, with packing. With windows, RED PLASTIC wheels and silver ladders, MATTE base. From The Fenman Collection.

Dinky toys 955 fire engine cc413

Price: £145.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


An attractive example of this classic Dinky model.



A vibrant bright red paint finish with two shining silver ladders and bright bells. This is the version with window glazing . Sleek matte baseplate. Late issue with plastic hubs. Grey original tyres are well-shaped.
A very light sprinkling of little marks at some exposed edges.
The striped Supertoys box is clean, bright, fresh and complete. Colours are vibrant throughout and that includes the portion of the deep blue lower not covered by the box lid. Very close to old shop stock quality.

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