Dinky Toys 23M Thunderbolt Racing Car
Thunderbolt Racing Car by Dinky Toys, No. 23M. Very near mint/boxed. Silver with black detailing and Union Jacks. Scarce pre-war model. Dated October 1938. From The Simon Regis Collection. Starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
Issued between 1938-41, this exciting early Dinky Speed Car is so aptly named and has a sleek bright silver original finish, including the base. Black detailing and complete, bright Union Jacks on both sides of the tail fin. Black smooth wheels and original white tyres which run freely (one has a couple of flat spots). A little wear.
A few little marks only.
The sturdy light blue card box is complete and clean with virtually no rubbing, and certainly no splits or graffiti. The condition belies its age – issued in October, 1938.
A little sunfading. Interesting printed information from Dinky about the real Thunderbolt car on the lid. A2247 code on the lid end and 10-38 printed too.
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Spot-on Picture Cards
6 x Spot-on Picture Cards & Collector's Club Slip. From The Derby Collection. Starting bid £50. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi Toys 393 Mercedes Benz 350SL
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Corgi Toys 204 Morris Mini Minor
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