French Dinky Toys 594 Traffic Lights

Traffic Lights (3 colour) by French Dinky Toys, No. 594. Very, very near mint/boxed. With card packing insert & Dinky Quality Control Leaflet. With WORKING battery-operated leaflet. From The Reference Collection.

French dinky toys 594 traffic lights bb458

Price: £125.00

This item is sold.


A delightful little French Dinky accessory item.
This set of Traffic Lights has working, battery-operated lights.


In unused condition. Issued 1969-71.
The pictorial box is clean and quite crisp, complete with the yellow card insert sleeve. Minor wear to the outer box includes a few flecks of surface loss.
Also included is the delightful little period touch – the French Dinky Quality Control Slip from Bobigny.


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