Tri-ang Minic Models 32M Dust Cart

Dust Cart by Tri-ang Minic Models, No 32M. Long bonnet version. Scarce issue in DEEP GREEN & red. Working clockwork motor & Minic Key. Near mint /boxed (transition box with stamp). From The West Sussex Collection. Starting bid £150. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Triang minic 32m dust cart bb238

Price: £150.00

This item is sold.


A very attractive tinplate refuse lorry from the respected model toy makers Minic. This is the early long bonnet version in very deep green and red.
This truck has complete detailed transfers at the sides except for one which has a couple of nicks. Working clockwork motor. Bright chrome shutters have a couple of dots which are easily overlooked.



Note that one of the smooth black original tyres is mis-shapen now. Light flat spot to another.
The harder to find transition box is complete and bright. Note the red print ‘DELIVERY LORRY’ and the stamp ‘DUST CART’ nearby . This style of box was used prior to the Dust Cart box being available. Few stains on the box and an end flap tear. With key.

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